Art Matters

PUHLEEZE use a little constraint ... would ya?

Barb Toland Creative Sparks

I read a blog post the other day by artist Clare O'Neill that I absolutely loved, and will be sharing that with you here in just a bit. But FIRST I wanted to reveal to you a new series of encaustics that I'm working on, and how they relate to this blog post...

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Even the brilliant artist Henri Matisse felt insecure at times...

Barb Toland Art Quotes

I find it hard to believe that popular, innovative & highly creative artist Henri Matisse felt insecure at times about his art. But this quote, captured in one of his diaries, leaves no doubt that he did...

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If you're not sure, mix it up ;-)

Barb Toland My Stuff

I've been living with a dual creative personality for a long time now. What, you might ask, is that? (Welll of course I made it up!) Basically, it's when you love the heck out of multiple mediums, and are trying to figure out how to creatively exist while being "torn between two lovers" so to speak...

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Sometimes I get lucky & a day of play turns into something more...

Barb Toland Creative Sparks

Today I'm going to focus on a new piece I recently painted, all the reasons why I love it, and some of the ideas I experimented with that ultimately got me there. It happened one day after I decided to take my own advice & just play around to get those elusive creative juices flowing again...

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Wandering around in the world of art & trying to find your "type"...

Barb Toland Art Bites

Today we're going to talk about the 3 major types of art ... figurative, abstract & non-objective. It's one of those art concepts that should be straightforward, but isn't really as cut & dry as it seems....

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