Art Matters

A new painting, "Pink Poppy Pair"

Barb Toland My Stuff

All during this past month I kept seeing the colors pink, coral & salmon everywhere I turned. So between us talking about Georgia O'Keeffe (who loved painting poppies), and having these colors resonate with me - I thought, what the heck? Let's paint some pink poppies...

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The curve, line & shape of things

Barb Toland Art Bites

There are many things that O'Keeffe does well in her work. But her ability to shift the viewer's focus to the line, contour & shape of a thing, instead of the thing itself, is so brilliant that what we are going to continue to expand on it today...

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The exquisite art of Georgia O'Keeffe

Barb Toland Featured Artist

This week I thought we'd talk more about some of Georgia O'Keeffe's art, and her life as an artist in general. We're specifically going to focus on her floral paintings, since they have had such a huge influence on my work, and how I approach painting...

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Batter up!!!! Swing in terror, but ooohhhh you just gotta swing!

Barb Toland Art Quotes

I love finding ways to inspire you to think more about the creative process, and no matter what creative realm you find yourself in, keeping your passion going strong! To that end, today we're going to explore a quote by an artist I'm sure many of you are familiar with, Georgia O'Keeffe...

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