To that end, today we're going to explore a quote by an artist I'm sure many of you are familiar with, Georgia O'Keeffe.

Yeah, that's right. I know you know what I'm talkin' about.
That fear.
Of doing it wrong.
Of daring to do something a bit bolder.
Of taking a step outside of your warm, cozy comfort zone.
Of trying something new.
Something different.
Something that makes you cringe with terror ... but even better, excitement.
And Georgia says, if you WANT to go there, then you pretty much have to.
You know why? Because that creative muse is tapping YOU on your shoulder. She is honoring your creative nature by picking YOU. She's hoping you're brave enough. She's hoping you will step up.
And I'm hoping you will too.
Because ... batter up! Once you swing, no matter what the result - your heart will change.
Your courage will go up a notch.
And you will swing again. The thrill is that addictive.
And every single time you do, you can bet that creative muse will be more likely to tap you again.
I'm telling you now, there really is nothing quite like it!
Never having done anything in the abstract art realm, I took a big risk by doing the encaustic piece below, and guess what?
It sold at the reception on opening night for more than I have ever sold anything!
Does this guarantee success? Hell no.
Does it guarantee fame & fortune? Of course not.
But it does guarantee one thing.
That little by little, you will come alive.
Jazz Ode to Kandinsky ©
20" x 24" encaustic & cut paper
on sustainable birch wood cradled panel
Soooooo ... batter up!
Go hard for that creative idea your muse is whispering in your ear.
I promise ... I'll be in the stands with the roaring crowd, cheering you on!
Thanks for showing up at the party!
We've got the best juice ... creative, that is ;-)
Have a beautiful day, and don't forget to go run & jump & play as often as you can ;-) It really matters.
With love & affection 💕
P.S. I would love to hear from you! You can do so by going to my contact page and sending me a message — I'll be sure to holler back ;-)
And as always, I would love to know your thoughts on this or any other creative matter you want to talk about! Leave your comment below, and let's chat art & creativity...