Go deep, stay home & STILL find creative inspiration!

Barb Toland Creative Sparks

Whether by train, plane, automobile or boat — I've always encouraged you to get out & travel more so you can fill up your visual catalog with fresh new stuff.

However, there's also something to be said for staying close to home, and still finding lots to explore.

That's where "going deep" comes in.

So exactly what do I mean by "going deep"?

You go deep by slowing down, or even stopping dead in your tracks to take a good long look around. Whether it's to smell the roses, or to take a rest —  by slowing down, your eyes & heart will have more time to absorb & enjoy the view.

For example, that cool local restaurant or evening meal at home can be enjoyable & fun to look at. When you slow down & take the time to observe, you see so much more than you would otherwise...

Or just taking a drive to the local zoo can be a voyage into something new & undiscovered. Just be sure to lean in & take a good loooooong look. I never knew giraffe's had black tongues until I saw them up close & personal!

There's also much to be said for sitting or strolling in your garden, the gardens of friends, or your local botanical garden. No matter what the season, there's always something breathtaking to enjoy.

Or take a drive to the nearest town & play in a vintage shop for some giggles...

Me being cheezy!!!!!!

See the source image

Or get to know that funky fence a little better as you're walking by. Yes, be childlike & run your fingers along those posts!

Slowing down in order to go deep is the key.

Or go take a hike (and I mean that in the nicest way).

Just be sure you make lots of stops for absorbing what you see.

Sink in deep to the life that flourishes around you.

All of the above are ways to stay close to home either by choice or necessity, and still get a chance to see life in a fresh new way.

Just pause. Look close. Go deep.

I promise you will be surprised & delighted if you do.

Below are leaves I saw on the ground while wondering thru our local botanical garden. I loved them so much that they then became a painting...



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So there really are no excuses when it comes to traveling & exploring life.

You can go quite far by staying close to home. It's all about taking the time to go deep enough to really & truly see what life around you has to offer.

Some say, "go big or go home" ... but you can also "go deep & stay home!"

Now it's your turn! Share one of your favorite photos of a time when you stayed close to home, and took the time to slowwwww down & look around you. Just scroll down to comments & share away. I would love to chat art with you :)

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