Art Matters
Artist Jasper Johns and his iconic encaustic flags
Barb Toland
Today I'm going to let you in on a crazy thing about me... I'm a middle child. <<insert scream or wry sense of knowing my pain here>> That's right — the one who was always in hot water for something, even if I didn't do it...
5 ways to get your dreams unstuck (creative or otherwise)
Barb Toland
We all have dreams & goals we're pursuing in life, whatever they may be. I hope for your sake that YOU have chosen at least one that is all yours. Not your spouse's. Not your kid's. Not your boss's. Not your friend's. Only yours, totally & completely...
Ansel Adams: photographer, artist & nature's advocate...
Barb Toland
I am sooooo outside of my warm, fuzzy little comfort zone talking about photography, and about such an incredible photographer/artist — but here goes!
Your time machine awaits! The Renaissance & Botticelli art
Barb Toland
Today we're going to time travel into the past, to the early Italian Renaissance period of the 1400's. We'll explore 2 paintings that were created during this time that have always fascinated & delighted me...
Go deep, stay home & STILL find creative inspiration!
Barb Toland
Whether by train, plane, automobile or boat — I've always encouraged you to get out & travel more so you can fill up your visual catalog with fresh new stuff. However, there's also something to be said for staying close to home, and STILL finding lots to explore...