Art Matters

A colorful visit to Randyland in Pittsburgh PA πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’–

Barb Toland Creative Sparks

I'm so excited to share a wonderful creative & colorful place with you thatΒ  I got to experience while visiting family in my hometown of Pittsburgh...

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The grace to be a beginner β€” stumbling required

Barb Toland Creative Sparks

Since the day I stepped off into the world of creativity & art, I've learned a lot β€” and have stumbled quite a bit as well...

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Art can be so beautifully scientific

Barb Toland Featured Artist

This week we're going to dive a little deeper into the art of famous pointellist artist, George Seurat. He was a French painter living in Paris during the second half of the 19th century...

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Exercising your heART muscle leads to BIGGER things ;-)

Barb Toland Art Bites

Have you ever failed to exercise, even for a short period of time? You get sidetracked with an injury, or caught up in life’s flow, and before you know it, those thigh muscles jiggle when you giggle? Yeah, me too...

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Art can be music to your eyes

Barb Toland Featured Artist

Today we're going to talk about a painting done by a Russian artist who most consider to be the father of abstract art...

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