Art Matters — Creative Sparks
5 ways to get your dreams unstuck (creative or otherwise)
Barb Toland
We all have dreams & goals we're pursuing in life, whatever they may be. I hope for your sake that YOU have chosen at least one that is all yours. Not your spouse's. Not your kid's. Not your boss's. Not your friend's. Only yours, totally & completely...
Go deep, stay home & STILL find creative inspiration!
Barb Toland
Whether by train, plane, automobile or boat — I've always encouraged you to get out & travel more so you can fill up your visual catalog with fresh new stuff. However, there's also something to be said for staying close to home, and STILL finding lots to explore...
A colorful visit to Randyland in Pittsburgh PA 💜💙💚💛💖
Barb Toland
I'm so excited to share a wonderful creative & colorful place with you that I got to experience while visiting family in my hometown of Pittsburgh...
The grace to be a beginner — stumbling required
Barb Toland
Since the day I stepped off into the world of creativity & art, I've learned a lot — and have stumbled quite a bit as well...
Those are some mighty strong shoulders...
Barb Toland
Anytime I'm in Paris I feel like my heart is leaping out of my chest. I've cried many times while there, sometimes out of pure joy & other times out of massive overwhelm. There have even been moments when I've felt a sense of pure panic while taking in the beauty around me...